Chorizo de Cebu

Chorizo de Cebu

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Pork Tocino
Pork Longganisa
Chorizo de Cebu
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Cebu Chorizo is another one of the food memories to last a lifetime. What is it with food that brings back so many good memories of Cebuano's childhood? This Cebu chorizo is native sausages or links but has a sweet, savoury and just a wee bit spice into it. There's no any other sausage in the world close to the Cebu Chorizo so it’s a must-try.

Our Chorizo de cebu is a quality-processed sausage made with tender love by the finest fingers, we use quality leaner meat and we use all natural ingredients, that means; 

NO msg.
NO artificial binding ingredient.
NO artificial preservatives/pre-mix powder.
NO artificial curing salt.
NO artificial red colouring to hide fats and make it look like lean meat (we use quality leaner meat)

NO synthetic (artificial) sausage skin - we only use all natural top quality pork/hog for its sausage skin. (From Australian Company who only specializes in producing and selling quality ready clean sausage skin) (not extra intestines from butcher shops that they are about to throw away)

*also available in quality fatty pork juicy chorizo and Regular Chorizo (mix fat and lean)*

Why Natural Sausage Skin?

Natural Sausage Skin is unequalled in taste, tenderness and texture.
Rich in collagen yet gossamer-thin, natural casings have a unique combination of tenderness, thinness and pliability that no man-made sausage skin has come close to imitating. Holding their shape when twisted, they also don't break as easily as synthetic casings.

When it comes to taste, there is no comparison. Tiny microscopic pores work their invisible magic on many levels, allowing sausages to 'breathe' when resting; to fill with flavour when smoking, and stew in their own juicy goodness when cooking.

For an infinitely yummier and more agreeable snag, only all natural sausage pork/hog skin.

Unlike other sausages, this has a different way of cooking and eating.
This is how to cook and eat it like we do:

Place the chorizo in a pan and add a little bit of water and The chorizo will caramelize and may stick on your pan, I prefer to use just a little bit of canola oil (1 tablespoon of oil). Cook over medium heat.

Cover the pan and allow the water to absorb in the chorizo.

Just continue flipping the chorizo from time to time and scrape the bottom of the pan when you do so.

You know when it’s cooked because the chorizo starts to ooze out of the casing and produce caramelized texture. Then it’s done! serve it with steaming hot rice and add more chilli if you want to make it spicier.

All About Chorizo:

Chorizo (/tʃəˈriːzoʊ/ or /-soʊ/,[1][2] from Spanish; Spanish pronunciation: [t͡ʃoˈɾiθo] or [-so]) is a type of pork sausage. Traditionally, it uses natural casings made from intestines, a method used since Roman times.

In Europe, chorizo is a fermented, cured, smoked sausage, which may be sliced and eaten without cooking, or added as an ingredient to add flavour to other dishes. Elsewhere, some sausages sold as chorizo may not be fermented and cured, and require cooking before eating. Spanish chorizo and Portuguese chouriço get their distinctive smokiness and deep red colour from dried, smoked, red peppers (pimentón/pimentão).

Due to culinary tradition and the high cost of imported Spanish smoked paprika, Mexican chorizo is usually made with native chilli peppers of the same Capsicum annuum species, used otherwise rarely in Mexican cuisine, but as used extensively in Mexican-American restaurants.Spanish-American cuisine adds vinegar instead of the white wine usually used in Spain.

Chorizo can be eaten sliced in a sandwich, grilled, fried, or simmered in liquid, including apple cider or other strong alcoholic beverages such as aguardiente. It also can be used as a partial replacement for ground (minced) beef or pork.

The chorizo de Cebu is a unique type of sausage since they are circular in shape. There also come in two sizes, big and small. You can also choose the regular or spicy chorizo de Cebu and are typically sold by the dozen.

The Chorizo de Cebu is great for breakfast and can be paired with either plain rice or fried rice. Some people use the oil that came out of the chorizo for their fried rice. They have a sweet, spicy taste that makes you want to ask for some extra rice. The Chorizo de Cebu can also be cooked barbecue style.

The Chorizo de Cebu is definitely one of the things visitors should try once they land on the Queen City of the South. You can head over to Larsians, AA Barbecue or your friendly neighbourhood barbecue stand to get to eat this famous item from Cebu.

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Filipino Chorizo Pasta Recipe -II
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